Sunday, November 11, 2007

this morning...

i woke up at exactly 3 in the morning after watching a two-hour concert on tv the last night...i still felt groggy and just really wanted to hit the pillows again but i have to be at work before 5 and start kickin ass by i compelled myself to get up...took shower...dressed up and started my day...i gotta pay the bills for the month...and being late at work means having to work harder to cope up with the time ill lost....i wish i'll get a better job...or i should rather say...a higher paying job...mannnn...waking up so early isnt that easy...and receiving a very low pay on the tenth or eleventh day of work is absolutely not that easy as well...
anyway...i was in a public ride feeling so damn tired when someone from behind tapped my back...i got off my feet and for a moment thought if I happen to know the guy who just stunned me...I had no idea who he is or if i ever met him before.all i know was there's something creepy about him...He's wearing a white polo shirt, black jeans and white snickers...He's around 30, 5'8" tall and looks really affluent which made me wonder why he's on a public transpo like that... I reallly felt awkward looking at him coz he was like mocking me or something so i just turned my back and pretended I never saw him.But then he started asking some things that got me anxious. He asked if i'm on my way to work and some other personal stuff like if I'm married or have a partner...I felt cold and wanted to just get off the vehicle coz i find him really weird...A normal person wouldnt do such thing in public not unless that someone wants to get close to you because he is trying to sell you something or convince you to be part of their religion or perhaps wants you to join a networking plan...I ignored him and just transferred to another seat...thank god there was another vacant one.But then he followed me and continued with his queries...The people around us got panicky as hell just as I was. So someone dared and asked the guy if we know each other.He answered yes which made me feel like melting right there and then...I can apparently sense that the people were in some ways worried about me. I just can see it by their facial expressions...I didnt know what to do or say at that time...I was just there waiting what will happen next...waiting for the whole situation to get worse...The guy sat beside me and asked me again more things like where I live and who my parents are...I didnt look at him...I closed my eyes hoping that he'll just vanish or someone will throw him out of there...I felt terribly scared and I was completely caught off guard...The fear I felt grew more intense when I saw something sharp sticking out from his pocket...So I signalled the man in front of me to drive him away coz I'm in big trouble...but the man got so scared as well...the "disturbed "guy's too big and strong for anyone in that vehicle to handle...
I didnt know but after some time of keeping silent and feeling so numb I finally got to my senses and with all nerves confronted the guy as to what he really want from me...I twitched when he pulled the thing out from his pocket but then he started combing his hair...mannn...i thought it was a knife or something and that he's gonna kill me with was nothing but a stupid paranoid most of the was a false alarm...Then he said: "I thought youre deaf!You look like a retard." I was appalled hearing such statement from the sicko!...I wanted to react or say meaner things to him but i realized ill just be as crazy as he i just let it pass and acted like no one heard it but i know at the back of their minds people laughed at those words...
With a wobbling voice I started talking to him but I never answered his questions...I interrogated him instead...reverse psychology as what my friend Sandy always says...he told stories about his wife,children and friends and how he battled with a disease that made him crazy which really disturbed me until this very minute coz i never thought crazy people think that they're crazy or do they think theyre one?.. . the people got so shocked as he disclosed everything about him from how he loves his thing between his legs and how many times he pleasures himself...thus authenticating his absolute was funny but i also felt sorry for the guy...i really pitied him... he didnt look scary or stinky like most psychos...actually he looked formal but when he starts talking...well...his colors show....hehehehe... i also realized how goodlooking and intelligent he used to be when he talked to me...too bad he's a victim of such misfortune...
He told some more stories that seemed interesting some of them were probably part of his hallucination... but i had to get off soon so i asked him if it's okay if ill leave him alone after some minutes...he okayed but then he bursted into tears...and i felt horribly disgusted by it...isnt it discomfitting seeing someone gushing in tears at that age?....but i felt guilty and at the same time obliged to be with him but i just can't handle it anymore...i need to be at work and ill surely be late if i stayed longer...
After a couple of minutes I arrived at my station so I bade him goodbye and asked the other guy beside me if he can talk with the weirdo til he arrives at his place...I dont know what happened to them...I hurriedly left them all in that vehicle and paved my own way to work feeling exhausted...
It's already 4:30 in the morning...and that was an experience ill never forget in my whole freakin life...feeling crazy with a crazy is just so crazy...
though it was a crazy experience...i learned some good things out of is that sometimes you can judge a book by its cover and it all depends on you if you'll read it or not...and whenever you decide on reading it you have to do it with grace and pleasure... as for me...there is no bad book..only bad readers....hehehhehe...another thing ive learned is that sometimes you have to control out of control things to control i making any sense?...heheheheh...there are times when you really have to do things even if you don't want to in order for you get out of it...and lastly...there are lots of crazy people out there...i mean both...literally and figuratively ...and all you have to do is deal with them the best you can...its really hard to put up with this kind of people but i guess thats where your patience comes in...its a virtue remember? if you happen to be in a situation like what ive been into...just play crazy and go with the flow but not too much that people will find you crazier than the real one...ehhehehehhehe...